Category Archives: Uncategorized

20 Jun

We support diversity in our community

The leadership of the Republican Party of Colorado has called for the burning of Pride Flags in a ridiculous display of hatred. The Colorado Center Party condemns this abhorrent action against the human diversity we celebrate. The Center Party platform ...

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12 May

Property taxes will skyrocket

I don’t think we can trust the left leaning legislature to protect us against sky-high property tax bills after the elimination of the Gallagher amendment protections. SB23-303 created a ballot issue for November that looks like a shell game of ...

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28 Apr

State wants to mandate higher housing density

A proposed change in the Colorado land use code is itself undergoing change to stop the land grab by the state. SB23-213 is being changed to stop the state level takeover and keep most control local. Having the state mandate ...

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08 Nov

Inflation, then and now

This article in Vox by Alex Yablon makes some good points on understanding inflation and its history,“The messy true story of the last time we beat inflation“. I agree with Mr. Yablon’s statement: ” inflation moderated when globalization increased imports ...

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14 Sep

Steve Yurash interviewed by Ross Kaminsky

Steve Yurash, Center Party candidate for the 2nd Congressional district was interviewed on September 14th by radio talk show host Ross Kaminsky of KOA 850 AM radio. Listen to the interview by clicking the URL link.

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02 Aug

Center Party Speaks out on Abortion rights

The Colorado Center Party believes that abortions should be safe, legal and rare. We supported the reproductive rights of women granted under the Roe V. Wade decision. We support efforts in each state to protect the reproductive rights of Women ...

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