Center Party Bylaws

Bylaws of the Colorado Center Party Central Committee

April 23, 2022


Bylaws of the Colorado Center Party Central Committee. 1

April 23, 2022. 1

Article 1: Name. 3

Article 2: Purpose. 3

Article 3: Legal Power and Authority. 3

Section A. Law.. 3

Section B. Powers. 3

Section C. Pre-Primary Neutrality. 3

Section D. Authority to Bind. 4


Section A. Party Affiliation and Residence. 4

Section B. Dues Payment 5

Section C. Membership Acceptance. 5

Section D. Membership Disputes. 5

ARTICLE 5: Annual Conventions. 5

Section A. Organizational Convention.. 6

Section B. Nominating Convention While a QPO.. 6

Section C. Nominating Convention While a Minor Party. 7

Section D. Call to Conventions. 8

ARTICLE 6: Executive Committee. 9

Section A. Members of the Executive Committee. 9

Section B. Selection of Members. 9

Section C. Executive Committee Meetings. 9

Section D. Officer Duties. 10

Section E. Election of Officers. 11

Section F. Removal of Officers. 12

Section G. Vacancy of Officers. 12

Section H. Duties of the Executive Committee. 12

ARTICLE 7: National Delegates. 13

ARTICLE 8: Vacancies in Public Office. 13

Section A. Compliance with Colorado law.. 13

Section B. Vacancies in Designation or Nomination for Public office. 13

ARTICLE 9: Committees. 14

Section A. Special Committees. 14

Section B. Standing Committees. 14

ARTICLE 10: Political Sub-divisions. 15

ARTICLE 11: Parliamentary Authority. 16

ARTICLE 12: Amendment of Bylaws. 16


Article 1: Name

The name of this organization shall be the Colorado Center Party Central Committee, hereinafter referred to as the “CCPCC”.

Article 2: Purpose

The CCPCC is constituted to:

  1. Promote the principles of governance of the people, and by the people, that ensure equality and justice for all, within a framework of an efficient, financially prudent government administration.
  2. Promote, train and elect duly designated or nominated candidates of the Center Party to national, state and local levels where permitted by law.
  3. Perform the administrative functions of a registered political party under the election laws of the State of Colorado.

Article 3: Legal Power and Authority

Section A. Law

The CCPCC is an unincorporated non-profit association and political party committee, governed by and operating under the laws of the State of Colorado.


Section B. Powers.

The CCPCC shall retain and may exercise all such powers as are conferred expressly or by implication upon it by these bylaws and by the laws of the State of Colorado, provided the same are not inconsistent with the laws of the State of Colorado, and the laws of the United States.


Section C. Pre-Primary Neutrality.

No candidate for any designation or nomination for partisan public office shall be endorsed or opposed by the CCPCC, acting as an entity, or by its state officers or committees, before the Nominating Convention or Primary Election. The CCPCC and its officers may provide organizational assistance to candidates or designees during the pre-primary or pre-Convention period but must provide the same assistance to all candidates. The CCPCC may produce pre-primary election material if the material identifies no specific candidates or identifies all candidates for the public offices in the target area. Candidates must send their intention to run for office in writing to the Executive Committee to be included in such materials.


Section D. Authority to Bind.

No person or entity, including any Center Party political sub-division committee, affiliated, auxiliary, or allied organization, or any separate organization authorized to use the name Center Party, has authority to legally bind in any manner the CCPCC unless prior written authorization from the CCPCC Party Chairman or their designee has been given.



Section A. Party Affiliation and Residence

  1. Prior to and while the Center Party maintains QPO status, Active Members of the CCPCC must be either registered to vote in the Center Party or unaffiliated with any political party as shown by the person’s voter registration status with the Colorado Secretary of State or the voter rolls of the Colorado County of that person’s residence at least 22 days prior to active participation in any meeting of the Party, in accordance with Colorado C.R.S 1-3-101.
  2. In the year after the Center Party gains Minor party status, Active Members of the CCPCC must be registered to vote in the Center Party as shown by the person’s voter registration status with the Colorado Secretary of State or the voter rolls of the Colorado County of that person’s residence at least 22 days prior to active participation in any meeting of the Party, in accordance with Colorado C.R.S 1-3-101.
  3. An Active member must reside in the political sub-division as shown in the state voter database or Colorado County voter database to represent the Executive Committee for that sub-division or to vote in Party nominations for that political sub-division.
  4. Prior to and while the Center Party is a QPO, Candidates seeking public office under the banner of the Colorado Center Party must qualify as an active member of the CCPCC at the time of the nominating convention or vacancy committee meeting as defined in this article of the CCPCC bylaws, and they must be registered as unaffiliated or as a member of the Center Party prior to the first business day of January in the year of the election in order to comply with Section 1-4-802 of the C.R.S.
  5. While the Center Party maintains Minor Party status Candidates seeking public office under the banner of the Colorado Center Party must qualify as an active member of the CCPCC at the time of the nominating convention or vacancy committee meeting as defined in this article of the CCPCC bylaws, and only need be registered to vote in the Center Party 22 days prior to the Nominating Convention for that election, which is allowed under section 1-4-1304 of the C.R.S.


Section B. Dues Payment

Only Members who have paid their annual dues as recorded by the Party Treasurer or acting Party Treasurer and satisfy any other qualifications in Section A of this article become “Active members” to the CCPCC and may actively participate in Party business and vote on issues or nominations before the CCPCC or stand for partisan office election under the banner of the Center Party. The cost of annual dues will be set by the Executive Committee.

Section C. Membership Acceptance.

Before any other voting is to take place at a meeting or convention of the CCPCC, a vote to accept the latest active membership roll must be taken. If a membership committee was empaneled at the previous CCPCC meeting, then the Membership Committee will be responsible for submitting the latest membership roll to the whole committee for the vote. If the membership committee has not been empaneled or has been disbanded then the State Chairman, or their designee for membership shall bring forward the membership roll for the vote. Except for the very first meeting ever, only members of the CCPCC from the previous meeting of the CCPCC may vote on the motion for Membership Acceptance.

Section D. Membership Disputes

Any member of the CCPCC Executive committee may bring to the floor of a CCPCC meeting a motion to dispute the membership of another member at any time, due to lack of proper voter registration, lack of dues payment, or behavior that is blatantly disruptive to the execution of business of the CCPCC. An affirmative vote of 2/3 of the committee is required to remove or reinstate the membership status of a disputed member.

ARTICLE 5: Annual Conventions


Section A. Organizational Convention

Starting in 2022 and then in odd numbered years, the entire body of active dues paying members of the Center Party may participate and vote to elect the officers of the Executive committee, and discharge any other business before the body, such as, but not limited to, ratification of the budget, updates to the platform, and changes in the by-laws.

Section B. Nominating Convention While a QPO

  1. In every even numbered year the entire body of active members of the CCPCC may participate and vote to nominate candidates for public elective office.
  2. Counties or other political sub-divisions that form their own Center Party Central Committees pursuant to these bylaws may conduct Nominating Conventions separate from the State Convention where all active members residing in that political sub-division may vote on nominations and other business. In the absence of an appropriate political sub-division Center Party Central Committee for public offices of that political sub-division, the nomination process will be administered by the State Nominating Convention.
  3. State and political sub-division Nominating Conventions will be held prior to May 11th unless the executive committee approves a delay to a later date. Any public offices decided on at a Nominating Convention may not be reconsidered at subsequent Conventions unless there is a vacancy.
  4. While the Center Party maintains status as a Qualified Political Organization under Colorado C.R.S. 1-4-802, and thus does not have the right to conduct a primary election, candidates must receive a 50% plus one (1) vote of the CCPCC active members at the appropriate Nominating Convention, including proxies, from the political sub-division of the office being sought to use the Center Party name in the general election ballot.
  5. If multiple candidates are seeking the Center Party designation for a particular public office, the vote shall be by paper secret ballot. If no candidate receives the required 50% plus one (1) vote, then another vote will be held immediately and the lowest-vote candidate shall be dropped from the ballot in the subsequent vote until one candidate receives the required 50% plus one (1).
  6. If only one candidate is seeking the Center Party designation for that public office, it is permissible to move for a vote by acclamation and dispense with the secret ballots.
  7. Candidates designated to represent the Center Party at the Nominating Convention must still obtain the required number of signatures from registered electors to qualify for placement on the general election ballot. Candidates who fail to garner designation at the convention may not run under the banner of Center Party. The date where signature gathering is allowed to begin is set forth in C.R.S. 1-4-802 and is currently set at 173 days before the general election (generally the middle of May).
  8. If no candidate is designated at the convention for a particular public office, a new candidate may gain the designation through a vacancy committee after the Convention.
  9. The Convention chair, by consent of the Convention, may choose to split up the Nominating Convention into political sub-divisions that meet simultaneously if no prior nominating convention was held for those sub-divisions.
  10. Each political sub-division designating a Center Party candidate may elect a vacancy committee of at least five (5) members present but no more than 15 members. If a vacancy committee is not elected and a vacancy does occur then the vacancy committee will be created by the Central Committee of the political sub-division if one exists, or the CCPCC Executive Committee under Article 8.
  11. The quorum for Conventions shall be those active members present, in person or via virtual means, for state level or for any political sub-subdivision Convention. Once a quorum is established, the departure of any active members from the meeting shall not remove the establishment of the quorum for that meeting.

Section C. Nominating Convention While a Minor Party

  1. In every even numbered year the entire body of active members of the CCPCC may participate and vote to nominate candidates for public offices.
  2. Counties or other political sub-divisions that form their own Center Party Central Committees pursuant to these bylaws may conduct Nominating Conventions separate from the State Convention where all active members residing in that political sub-division may vote on nominations and other business. In the absence of an appropriate political sub-division Center Party Central Committee for public offices of that political sub-division, the nomination process will be administered by the State Nominating Convention.
  3. State and political sub-division Nominating Conventions will be held prior to 75 days before the primary election and shall comply with C.R.S. 1-4-1304. Any public offices decided on at a Nominating Convention may not be reconsidered at subsequent Conventions unless there is a vacancy.
  4. While the Center Party maintains Minor Political Party status the nomination process will comply with C.R.S. 1-4-1304 which allows candidates to qualify for the primary ballot by petition or by assembly.
  5. If only one candidate is seeking the Center Party designation for that public office, it is permissible to move for a vote by acclamation and dispense with the secret ballots.
  6. The Nominating Convention procedures must comply with C.R.S. 1-4-601 which among other things requires that no more than 2 ballots are allowed for each office and every candidate receiving at least thirty (30) percent of the vote shall be certified for the primary ballot. If no candidate receives at least thirty (30) percent of the vote then the two candidates receiving the highest number of votes shall be designated for the primary ballot.
  7. If no candidate is designated at the convention for a particular public office, a new candidate may gain the designation through a vacancy committee after the Convention.
  8. The Convention chair, by consent of the Convention, may choose to split up the Nominating Convention into political sub-divisions that meet simultaneously if no prior nominating convention was held for those sub-divisions.
  9. Each political sub-division designating a Center Party candidate may elect a vacancy committee of at least three (3) members present but no more than 15 members. If a vacancy committee is not elected and a vacancy does occur then the vacancy committee will be created by the Central Committee of the political sub-division if one exists, or the CCPCC Executive Committee under Article 8.
  10. The quorum for Conventions shall be those active members present, in person or via virtual means, for state level or for any political sub-subdivision Convention. Once a quorum is established, the departure of any active members from the meeting shall not remove the establishment of the quorum for that meeting.

Section D. Call to Conventions

  1. The official call to a convention, nominating or organizational or other purposed meeting of the entire body of active members shall be transmitted by email to the most current email addresses of all current active members no fewer than fifteen (15) days before the date of that meeting.
  2. The call shall state the time and date of the meeting and details of electronic participation if applicable and the business to be conducted. If changes to the bylaws are part of the business for the meeting, then the call shall include a copy of the proposed amendments.
  3. While the Center Party maintains status as a Minor party, the Call to any Convention must comply with the C.R.S. statute 1-4-1301 which states that the Call to Convention must be published in a newspaper of general circulation in each county wherein the members of the minor political party reside.


ARTICLE 6: Executive Committee

Section A. Members of the Executive Committee

  1. The members of the Executive Committee of the CCPCC shall be the Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary, and Treasurer.
  2. All Center Party candidates elected to state level public office in Colorado.
  3. All Center Party candidates elected to a county commissioner public office.
  4. Each Colorado county with a population of 100,000 or less may have one (1) Executive Committee bonus member.
  5. Each Colorado county with a population of over 100,000 may have one (1) Executive Committee member, plus one for every additional 200,000 of population over 100,000.

Section B. Selection of Members

  1. Each Colorado County that creates a Center Party County Committee may elect their members to the Executive Committee in odd numbered years at their county level organizational meeting.
  2. If no Center Party committee exists in the county, and a vacancy of bonus member(s) exists in that county, an active member may attend an Executive Committee meeting and nominate themselves as a bonus member. The call to the next Executive Committee meeting shall include a call to all active members of the CCPCC from that county informing them of their right to attend the meeting and vote on the acceptance of the nomination to the Executive Committee as a bonus member.
  3. If no Center Party committee exists in the county, all bonus member positions for that county will be declared vacant and open for nomination at the odd year state level Organizational Convention.

Section C. Executive Committee Meetings

  1. The Active Party Members attending an Executive Committee meeting that are not voting members of the Executive Committee may not cause their county representative to be bound to vote a particular way on any issue before the Executive Committee. Voting Executive Committee members may ask the Chairman for time to consult with other Center Party members from their political subdivision before casting their vote.
  2. Executive Committee members may submit by mail or email, at least three (3) days prior to the meeting, a proxy for their vote to be cast by another active member of the CCPCC, this person does not have to be a member of the Executive Committee but must be an active member of the CCPCC. Any proxy is only valid for one (1) meeting.
  3. A quorum for Executive Committee meetings shall be five (5) members. Executive Committee members may attend in person or by remote electronic means.
  4. The Executive Committee shall meet at least three (3) times in every year upon the call of the Chairman by written electronic means at least five (5) days prior to the day of the meeting. In the event of the absence of the Chairman, the Vice-Chairman may call for a meeting, and in the event of the absence of the Vice-Chairman, the Secretary may call for a meeting of the Executive Committee.

Section D. Officer Duties

  1. Chairman’s Duties.
    1. The Chairman shall be the chief executive officer of the CCPCC.
    2. Issue the call and preside over all meetings and conventions of the CCPCC and Executive Committee.
    3. Observe and enforce all bylaws and rules of the CCPCC and Executive Committee.
    4. Report to the Executive Committee about actions taken on behalf of the party when and as the Executive Committee requires.
    5. Appoint necessary staff members to assist in these duties.
    6. Appoint members to standing committees and all requested special committees.
    7. Be an ex officio member of all committees.
    8. Submit operating budgets as requested by the Executive Committee.
    9. The Chairman or Treasurer may deposit receipts and pay the bills of the party in a timely manner.
    10. Make arrangements for the Conventions and Executive Committee meetings with assistance from other Executive Committee members as requested by the Chairman.
    11. Preside over the Center Party Conventions or designate a presiding officer.
    12. Certify the names of Center Party delegates to National meetings.
    13. File national delegate procedures and the certification of delegates and alternates elected in accordance with National Center Party rules.
    14. Once annually submit to the Executive Committee a personal financial statement showing sources of income and financial interests so that the Executive Committee may ascertain if there are any potential conflicts of interest.
  2. Vice-Chairman’s Duties.
    1. Exercise the functions of the Chairman during his/her temporary absence or inability to act, or at the request of the Chairman.
    2. Perform such other duties as the Chairman may prescribe.
  3. Secretary’s Duties.
    1. Be the chief clerical officer of the CCPCC, keeping all minutes and records of all CCPCC and Executive Committee proceedings.
    2. Be the ex-officio chair of the membership committee.
    3. The Secretary may appoint secretarial assistants to assist in these responsibilities.
    4. In the event of the temporary absence or vacancy of the Secretary the Chairman may appoint a temporary Secretary or perform the duties him or herself until such time as a vacancy committee can be assembled.
    5. File with the Colorado Secretary of State all required non-financial reports, including a list of the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of each of the officers elected, together with a list of the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of any seated vacancy committee, no later than 30 days after the meeting in which the officers were elected.
    6. Perform other such duties as the Chairman may prescribe.
  4. Treasurer’s Duties.
    1. File or cause to be filed with the appropriate authorities all campaign finance reports and tax filings for the CCPCC required by state or federal law.
    2. Comply with all state and federal laws regarding political parties and their finances.
    3. Generate a summary report of the finances to the Executive Committee at least twice annually.
    4. The Treasurer or Chairman may deposit receipts and pay the bills of the party in a timely manner.
    5. In the event of the temporary absence or vacancy of the Treasurer the Chairman may appoint a temporary Treasurer or perform the duties him or herself until such time as a vacancy committee can be assembled.
    6. The Treasurer may select an assistant to help with the performance of the Treasurer’s duties Perform other duties as the Chairman may prescribe.
    7. Perform other duties as the Chairman may prescribe.


Section E. Election of Officers

  1. Election of officers shall occur in every odd year convention for which the call of the meeting shall state that officers shall be elected.
  2. Candidates for executive office may self-nominate. A second is not required for the nomination.
  3. Selection of officers shall be by majority vote on a secret paper ballot of those active members present unless there is only one (1) candidate for that office, in which case a motion for acclamation will be in order. If the vote results in no candidate receiving a majority of the votes present, subsequent rounds of voting will occur after the lowest-vote candidate is removed from the ballot for each round. If two (2) candidates tie for the lowest vote, a flip of the coin shall determine who is removed from the ballot.
  4. Members may run for more than one office but may not serve in more than one office.

Section F. Removal of Officers

  1. Any elected officer of the Executive Committee may be removed from office at any time for whatever cause the CCPCC may deem sufficient, by a vote of three-fifths of the entire active membership of the CCPCC eligible to vote at a meeting called for that purpose.
  2. Written or email notice giving the time, place, and purpose of the meeting shall be sent to each active member of the CCPCC at least fifteen days before the meeting.
  3. The action of removal by the CCPCC shall be final.


Section G. Vacancy of Officers

  1. The Executive Committee shall determine by majority vote whether sufficient evidence exists of the permanent absence, disability, or ineligibility of an elected Executive officer thus creating the vacancy.
  2. A vacancy in any elected Executive office shall be filled by majority vote of the Executive Committee members present or present by proxy and voting at a meeting of the Executive Committee if the call to the meeting included the notice to fill the vacancy. The Executive Committee may choose by majority vote to allow the Chairman, or Vice-Chairman acting for the Chairman, to appoint a temporary officer until such time as the Executive Committee can meet to vote on a permanent replacement.
  3. The Chairman, or Vice-Chairman if the vacancy is of the Chairman, shall email or otherwise transmit the call for a meeting to all members of the Executive Committee of the CCPCC within 15 days of the vacancy. The meeting shall be held within 30 days of the call.

Section H. Duties of the Executive Committee

  1. The Executive Committee shall serve as an advisory committee to the Chairman and perform other functions as prescribed in the bylaws.
  2. The Executive Committee shall approve a budget each year and/or general expenditure items of over 2 thousand dollars and the hiring and salary of any officer or staff positions.
  3. The Executive Committee may reserve the right to decide the date and time of Nominating, Organizational, and other meetings of the full active membership or delegate that authority to the Chairman.
  4. The Executive Committee shall decide by majority vote to declare a vacancy in an elected office due to permanent absence or disability.
  5. The Executive Committee shall resolve any party controversies due to alleged conflicts with the bylaws, operation of the organization, issues with political subdivisions or affiliated organizations requiring a higher authority.
  6. The Executive Committee shall decide whether to recognize any affiliated organizations in Colorado interested in using the name Center Party.

ARTICLE 7: National Delegates

Delegates to represent the Colorado Center Party at National Center Party meetings and conventions shall be nominated and elected by the entire body at the State Organizational Convention. If a National Party meeting has been called and no Colorado National delegates have been selected or if any of them have resigned their position, then the CCPCC Executive Committee may nominate and approve those vacancies.

ARTICLE 8: Vacancies in Public Office

Section A. Compliance with Colorado law

  1. All vacancy committees shall comply with Colorado law in filling any vacancy in the candidacy or holding of public office.
  2. Time requirements required by law shall take precedence over any time requirements in these Bylaws.

Section B. Vacancies in Designation or Nomination for Public office

  1. If a vacancy occurs in a statewide office the Chairman of the CCPCC shall appoint members of the Executive Committee to serve as the Vacancy Committee unless a vacancy committee is selected by a State Convention.
  2. If no vacancy committee was selected by the appropriate political sub-division at the Nominating Convention, and the political sub-division is entirely within one county, then the County Central Committee may select the vacancy committee according to its bylaws if one exists.
  3. If no County Central Committee exists in the political sub-division of the vacant office, then the Vacancy Committee shall consist of all the Executive Committee members from that political sub-division and any additional active members of the Center Party from that political sub-division that the State CCPCC chairman elects to appoint.
  4. If the political sub-division of the vacant office includes portions of multiple counties then the Vacancy Committee shall consist of all the CCPCC Executive Committee members from that political sub-division and additional active CCPCC members appointed by each County Central Committee chairman, or the State Chairman if no Chairman exists in that county, in round robin fashion in order of most to least population within the political sub-division, one at a time, until the maximum membership is achieved.
  5. Public office vacancy committees should have at least five (5) members and shall not have more than 15 members.
  6. The names, addresses and contact information of all Vacancy Committee members shall be promptly sent to the CCPCC Chairman, CCPCC Secretary, and Colorado Secretary of State after selection.

ARTICLE 9: Committees

Section A. Special Committees

The Executive Committee may, upon majority vote, create a special committee. The Chairman shall then appoint members to such special committees. The Executive Committee, may upon a three-fifths vote, rescind the chairman’s appointments to special committees. The quorum for any special or standing committee shall be a majority of its then constituted membership.

Section B. Standing Committees

Standing Committees do not require a vote of the Executive Committee to be created.

  1. Audit Committee

The Audit Committee shall consist of three (3) members who are not public office holders or hold other offices within the CCPCC. The Audit Committee may perform audits of the financials of the CCPCC either by the Audit Committee itself or by contracting with a CPA or CPA firm if not specifically directed by the Chairman or Executive Committee to perform the Audit in a specific manner.


  1. Rules Committee

The Rules Committee shall consist of three (3) members and shall review the convention rules prior to the convening of a Convention and recommend any needed changes of the rules to make the Conventions more effective and efficient and comply with State laws. The Rules Committee may also make recommendations to the Executive Committee for any changes in the Bylaws to ensure the effective operation of the CCPCC and to make sure the CCPCC stays within compliance with the laws of the State of Colorado.


  1. Membership Committee

The Membership Committee shall consist of a minimum of three (3) members and shall be responsible for reporting the membership rolls at the beginning of any Convention. The Membership Committee shall also be responsible for collecting dues money from Active Members and may devise and execute plans for registering Center Party voters if a special committee has not been formed to do this. The CCPCC Secretary shall be the ex-officio chair of the Membership Committee.


  1. Platform Committee

The Platform Committee shall review and rewrite proposed changes and updates to the platform prior to any convention. The Platform Committee shall consist of a minimum of three (3) members and no greater than seven (7) members.


  1. Steering Committee

The Steering Committee serves as a special counsel to the CCPCC chairman and Center Party as a whole. The Steering Committee may make recommendations to the CCPCC Chairman, the Executive Committee, or the Center Party as a whole, on policy, platform, fundraising, electioneering and candidate selection.


ARTICLE 10: Political Sub-divisions

Political sub-divisions within Colorado may create their own Center Party Central Committees and must adhere to these bylaws and the laws of the State of Colorado and be subject to the ratification of the Colorado Center Party Executive Committee. Political sub-divisions are only required to have Audit and Membership standing committees.


ARTICLE 11: Parliamentary Authority

The rules in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern all meetings of the Center Party where they are applicable and not inconsistent with these Bylaws, any special rules of order voted on by the CCPCC, or the laws of the State of Colorado.

ARTICLE 12: Amendment of Bylaws

These Bylaws may be amended at any non-emergency meeting by a two-thirds vote of the Active members present in person or by proxy.

These Bylaws may be amended at an emergency meeting by unanimous consent of the Active members present in person or by proxy.



Colorado Center Party State Chairman


________________________________________________________________     date: _________________


Colorado Center Party State Secretary


________________________________________________________________     date: _________________