
Whereas Homelessness has been an enduring and worsening problem, despite large sums of public and charitable expenditure, homelessness has many different causes;
2a. Be it resolved solutions need to recognize the different types of problems that people experiencing homelessness have.
Whereas Homelessness has been an enduring and worsening problem, despite large sums of public and charitable expenditure, homelessness has many different causes;
2b. Be it resolved that we support temporary transitional housing.
Whereas homeless encampments tend to pose health issues and littering in their local vicinity;
2c. Be it resolved that we support providing access to portable toilets and trash cans near where homeless encampments are allowed.
Whereas homeless encampments and panhandling immediately adjacent to streets present physical safety concerns as well as those experiencing homelessness tend to congregate near existing support services which are usually located in densely populated areas;
2d. Be it resolved that we support the donation of suitable properties for designation as approved camping sites and encouraging support services to follow accordingly.
Whereas the homeless population includes individuals that exhibit characteristics of mental illness that can be a threat to themselves and to others;
2e. Be it resolved that we support providing mental healthcare, social services, and evaluations for the unhoused.
Whereas the transient lifestyle is not the same as the problem of homelessness;
2f. Be it resolved that we support policies which address and mitigate homelessness, and that we do not seek to criminalize homelessness.
2g. Be it resolved that we view the property rights of homeowners and renters as superseding any claim or right asserted by transient or homeless individuals.