2024 Nominating Assembly platform ballot questions
Whereas working families are struggling with inflation and the high cost of housing;
1a. Be it resolved that we believe that tax increases are an additional burden that working families cannot afford and which hinder businesses from providing good paying jobs.
Whereas regulations impose a real cost on businesses, and small businesses may have a harder time with compliance than larger companies;
1b. Be it resolved that we support limited but necessary regulations on businesses, to balance the public interest and the economic contributions of employers and entrepreneurs.
Whereas inflation and high interest rates are currently the biggest threats to the financial stability of American households, and worsened by government over-spending and high energy costs;
1c. Be it resolved that we believe legislatures must responsibly reduce government spending, to set a path to a balanced budget, and ensure a stable and cheap supply of energy while adding renewable sources, to minimize costs to families.
Whereas Colorado’s unprecedented increase in property taxes is driving up the cost of living for homeowners and renters alike;
1d. Be it resolved that we call upon the legislature to reduce the assessment rate in a meaningful amount.
Whereas Colorado’s unprecedented increase in property taxes is driving up the cost of living for homeowners and renters alike;
1e. Be it resolved that we believe taxpayers should retain our TABOR refunds to help deal with the rising cost of living.
Whereas local governments are more in tune with the nature and needs of their communities;
1f. Be it resolved that we support higher density housing when zoning and Land Use Codes are managed at the local level.
Whereas retirees have reduced, fixed income, but still have changing needs and the same right to pursue life, liberty, and happiness as everyone else;
1g. Be it resolved that we support reasonable, qualified property tax reductions for seniors who have resided in the state for at least 10 years.
Whereas retirees have reduced, fixed income, but still have changing needs and the same right to pursue life, liberty, and happiness as everyone else;
1h. Be it resolved that we support making the senior homestead property tax exemption portable when a person sells a home and purchases a new one.
Whereas Homelessness has been an enduring and worsening problem, despite large sums of public and charitable expenditure, homelessness has many different causes;
2a. Be it resolved solutions need to recognize the different types of problems that people experiencing homelessness have.
Whereas Homelessness has been an enduring and worsening problem, despite large sums of public and charitable expenditure, homelessness has many different causes;
2b. Be it resolved that we support temporary transitional housing.
Whereas homeless encampments tend to pose health issues and littering in their local vicinity;
2c. Be it resolved that we support providing access to portable toilets and trash cans near where homeless encampments are allowed.
Whereas homeless encampments and panhandling immediately adjacent to streets present physical safety concerns as well as those experiencing homelessness tend to congregate near existing support services which are usually located in densely populated areas;
2d. Be it resolved that we support the donation of suitable properties for designation as approved camping sites and encouraging support services to follow accordingly.
Whereas the homeless population includes individuals that exhibit characteristics of mental illness that can be a threat to themselves and to others;
2e. Be it resolved that we support providing mental healthcare, social services, and evaluations for the unhoused.
Whereas the transient lifestyle is not the same as the problem of homelessness;
2f. Be it resolved that we support policies which address and mitigate homelessness, and that we do not seek to criminalize homelessness.
2g. Be it resolved that we view the property rights of homeowners and renters as superseding any claim or right asserted by transient or homeless individuals.
Whereas Colorado’s natural areas are a vital resource and one of the best parts of living here;
3a. Be it resolved that we support robust funding for state park improvements and creation of new open spaces.
Whereas Colorado’s natural areas are a vital resource and one of the best parts of living here;
3b. Be it resolved that growth planning is essential at the local level, and municipalities must ensure that growth does not fundamentally alter the character of our state.
Whereas transitioning our electric power generation towards cleaner or renewable sources is an important goal
3c. Be it resolved that we believe this transition should be ambitious and feasible, without jeopardizing our energy security, to maintain our economy and standard of living.
Whereas transitioning our electric power generation towards cleaner or renewable sources is an important goal
3d. Be it resolved that we do not support time based legislative mandates, and instead support defined budgetary expenditures to invest in cleaner energy sources.
Whereas human activity creates empirically observable effects on the environment at the local and global scale;
3e. Be it resolved that we recognize that Climate Change is real, and that humans have a responsibility to be mindful of our effects on the environment.
Whereas human activity creates empirically observable effects on the environment at the local and global scale;
3f. Be it resolved that we support monitoring pollution levels, and imposing severe penalties for negligent or reckless activity which causes harm to the environment.
Whereas human activity creates empirically observable effects on the environment at the local and global scale;
3g. Be it resolved that regulations must be efficient and focused on promoting best practices without destroying necessary and vital industries.
Whereas the buildout of renewable energy sources is dependent on the mining of critical minerals and a robust economy to pay for the buildout;
3h. Be it resolved that we do not support the premature shuttering of mining or petroleum operations.
Whereas the buildout of renewable energy sources is dependent on the mining of critical minerals and a robust economy to pay for the buildout;
3i. Be it resolved that we support maintaining mining and fossil fuel production as a necessary part of a robust economy and renewable energy expansion.
Whereas nuclear power can be built in a safe, clean, reliable manner, and nuclear power is currently supplying 10% of worldwide electric power;
3j. Be it resolved that we believe that building more nuclear power plants is essential to the American power grid.
Whereas nuclear power can be built in a safe, clean, reliable manner, and nuclear power is currently supplying 10% of worldwide electric power;
3k. Be it resolved that safety regulation of nuclear power plants is important, but that excessive red tape must be eliminated to bring more plants online reasonably quickly.
Whereas wildfire has devastated the western United States over the past decade;
3l. Be it resolved that we support active forestry and conservation efforts designed to maximize the health of our forests and wildlands, and to limit wildfire hazards.
Whereas Colorado’s mountain snow is the origin of much water for the western US; and water rights laws are antiquated and cannot sustain agriculture and our growing population;
3m. Be it resolved that interstate water agreements need to be renegotiated on account of scarcity.
Whereas Colorado’s mountain snow is the origin of much water for the western US; and water rights laws are antiquated and cannot sustain agriculture and our growing population;
3n. Be it resolved that we support policies which encourage water conservation and penalize wasteful use of water.
Whereas simple plurality voting, AKA single choice, is not good for truly representative government;
4a. Be it resolved that we support Ranked Choice Voting (RCV) and/or Approval Voting at all levels of government to ensure the winning candidate has the broadest overall voter support.
Whereas politicians and judges are rarely held accountable to personal and political standards that inspire trust in elected leaders to represent public interests;
4b. Be it resolved that we support strong financial ethics standards with enforcement for politicians and judges, which require full disclosure of gifts, payments, and loans to themselves or family members.
Whereas working families struggle with the high cost of childcare, and pre-school attendance improves later academic performance;
5a. Be it resolved that we support free and universally accessible pre-school and after-school programs.
Whereas the recent experiences in Denver public schools and other tragic episodes demonstrates how vulnerable our students are;
5b. Be it resolved that we support the funding and use of professional SROs (School Resource Officers) to protect our children from violence and bullying.
Whereas the recent experiences in Denver public schools and other tragic episodes demonstrates how vulnerable our students are;
5c. Be it resolved that we support formation of independent district oversight committees to review all incidents of violence to ensure staff accountability for child safety.
Whereas school funding decisions in recent years have greatly increased spending in administrative areas to the detriment of in-classroom support and teacher salaries;
5d. Be it resolved that we support a re-alignment of priorities in favor of in-classroom spending, including class size reduction and increased teacher salary.
Whereas gender transitioning students are at greater risk of being the focal point of abuse and violations of privacy in difficult to manage situations at school;
5e. Be it resolved that we support both the right of parents to know what is happening to their own child at school, and the right of the school to manage these difficult situations in the way they deem best to protect the privacy and safety of all those involved.
Whereas gender transitioning students are at greater risk of being the focal point of abuse and violations of privacy in difficult to manage situations at school;
5f. Be it resolved that we support the use of safety monitors at schools when requested by either a gender transitioning student or non-transitioning student.
Whereas revolving door jail policies and insufficient bail enable repeat offenders, and convictions for violent crime are important to the assessment of an individual’s danger to society;
6a. Be it resolved that we support mandatory cash bail for defendants with a high likelihood of re-offending.
Whereas revolving door jail policies and insufficient bail enable repeat offenders, and convictions for violent crime are important to the assessment of an individual’s danger to society;
6b. Be it resolved that we support the use of electronic location tracking of defendants where appropriate.
Whereas plea bargaining is too often used by prosecutors, and may misrepresent the defendant’s danger to society when reviewing that person’s criminal record;
6c. Be it resolved that we oppose the overuse of plea bargaining, especially when reducing felonies to misdemeanors.
Whereas the root of most crime stems from poverty, substance abuse, and mental health issues, and police interactions are improved with awareness and sensitivity to these issues;
6d. Be it resolved that we support community policing strategies and integration of mental health and social services personnel being available for dispatch, and training of officers to recognize these issues.
Whereas the root of most crime stems from poverty, substance abuse, and mental health issues, and police interactions are improved with awareness and sensitivity to these issues;
6e. Be it resolved that we recognize anti-poverty efforts as important to crime control efforts.
Whereas white collar crimes are rarely punished, and funds fully recovered;
6f. Be it resolved that we support a dramatic increase in penalties for white collar crimes.
Whereas there have been too many high-profile incidents of law enforcement misconduct and excessive force, sometimes resulting in death, and undermines the public trust;
6g. Be it resolved that we support independent panels (civil service committees) to assess and review police conduct with full authority to act, and the use of vehicle and body cameras to provide objective evidence in oversight when reviewing incidents.
Whereas there have been too many high-profile incidents of law enforcement misconduct and excessive force, sometimes resulting in death, and undermines the public trust;
6h. Be it resolved that we support the rule of law being applied equally to all without discrimination of any kind.
Whereas healthcare and drug costs are currently unaffordable, non-transparent to the consumer, and not readily available and consistent for all;
7a. Be it resolved that we support capping healthcare company profits to aid in ensuring availability of reasonably priced healthcare premiums and medical costs.
Whereas healthcare and drug costs are currently unaffordable, non-transparent to the consumer, and not readily available and consistent for all;
7b. Be it resolved that we believe healthcare is a fundamental factor of life for Americans, however, it should be balanced with both governmental discretionary spending as well as private sector offerings.
Whereas Pharmacy Benefit Managers (PBM’s) act in a monopolistic manner on drug pricing and availability, and no longer serve a truly useful purpose in the drug supply chain;
7c. Be it resolved that we support reducing Pharmacy Benefit Manager’s (PBM’s) influence on raising drug prices.
Whereas Equal Protection of Law is a human right;
8a. Be it resolved that we support marriage equality for all adults.
Whereas harassment and discrimination infringe on a person’s right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness;
8b. Be it resolved that anti-discrimination & anti-harassment laws are a vital government function to protect individuals from discrimination or harassment based on their protected demographics.
Whereas harassment and discrimination infringe on a person’s right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness
8c. Be it resolved that we oppose any and all forms of government discrimination imposed on the foregoing demographics which diminish the Equal Protection of Law guaranteed to all people.
Whereas current policy allows many illegal immigrants to remain in the U.S. for years awaiting a court hearing and many do not show up at all;
9a. Be it resolved that we support that people illegally entering the U.S. will result in not being able to apply for entry in the future.
Whereas the U.S. border is in crisis with millions attempting to cross the border illegally;
9b. Be it resolved that we support securing the border using a combination of surveillance technology and physical barriers to prevent illegal crossings in both directions.
Whereas consistent laws make compliance with the law easier for citizens who wish to discreetly carry a handgun for lawful self-defense;
10a. Be it resolved that we support the existing state-wide concealed carry permit system as amended in 2013.
Whereas consistent laws make compliance with the law easier for citizens who wish to discreetly carry a handgun for lawful self-defense;
10b. Be it resolved that we support national concealed carry permit reciprocity.
Whereas a federal task force recently recommended promoting safe storage of guns via awareness campaigns and individual tax incentives;
10c. Be it resolved that we support creating such incentives and awareness campaigns for purchase of secure storage devices, including safes and vaults, which prevent unauthorized access.
Whereas ex parte hearings are generally considered to violate Due Process;
10d. Be it resolved that we support amending Colorado’s Red Flag law to require Due Process and presumption of innocence and avoiding ex parte proceedings.
Whereas many mass shootings are perpetrated by people who are known to be a prior threat;
10e. Be it resolved that we believe the use of red flag laws should be enhanced with active monitoring of extreme risk individuals by law enforcement, with a specific warrant.
Whereas the national crime database (NCIC) is missing records known elsewhere;
10f. Be it resolved that we support efforts to improve the completeness and connectivity of the National Crime Information Center’s database.
Whereas training and awareness of gun safety is an important element to keeping everyone safe;
10g. Be it resolved that we support allowing the instructor to render an evaluation during training of the owner’s fitness to own a gun.
The Colorado Center Party Platform Committee recommends a simple block approval to retain all 50 platform planks that received a minimum of 83.3% approval by its members in 2023, and did not have any substantive changes by the Platform Committee in 2024, as shown on this web site: