
We believe that funding for education should be a top priority at the state level because properly preparing our children for the future through a good education is critically important.
Whereas working families struggle with the high cost of childcare, and pre-school attendance improves later academic performance;
5a. Be it resolved that we support free and universally accessible pre-school and after-school programs.
Whereas the recent experiences in Denver public schools and other tragic episodes demonstrates how vulnerable our students are;
5b. Be it resolved that we support the funding and use of professional SROs (School Resource Officers) to protect our children from violence and bullying.
Whereas the recent experiences in Denver public schools and other tragic episodes demonstrates how vulnerable our students are;
5c. Be it resolved that we support formation of independent district oversight committees to review all incidents of violence to ensure staff accountability for child safety.
Whereas school funding decisions in recent years have greatly increased spending in administrative areas to the detriment of in-classroom support and teacher salaries;
5d. Be it resolved that we support a re-alignment of priorities in favor of in-classroom spending, including class size reduction and increased teacher salary.
Whereas gender transitioning students are at greater risk of being the focal point of abuse and violations of privacy in difficult to manage situations at school;
5e. Be it resolved that we support both the right of parents to know what is happening to their own child at school, and the right of the school to manage these difficult situations in the way they deem best to protect the privacy and safety of all those involved.
Whereas gender transitioning students are at greater risk of being the focal point of abuse and violations of privacy in difficult to manage situations at school;
5f. Be it resolved that we support the use of safety monitors at schools when requested by either a gender transitioning student or non-transitioning student.
Whereas every child deserves a chance for an education that is best suited to their particular needs;
5g. Be it resolved that we support school choice, including charter schools.