The Economy and Taxes

The Center Party supports fiscal responsibility and policies that enable economic growth.
Whereas working families are struggling with inflation and the high cost of housing;
1a. Be it resolved that we believe that tax increases are an additional burden that working families cannot afford and which hinder businesses from providing good paying jobs.
Whereas regulations impose a real cost on businesses, and small businesses may have a harder time with compliance than larger companies;
1b. Be it resolved that we support limited but necessary regulations on businesses, to balance the public interest and the economic contributions of employers and entrepreneurs.
Whereas inflation and high interest rates are currently the biggest threats to the financial stability of American households, and worsened by government over-spending and high energy costs;
1c. Be it resolved that we believe legislatures must responsibly reduce government spending, to set a path to a balanced budget, and ensure a stable and cheap supply of energy while adding renewable sources, to minimize costs to families.
Whereas Colorado’s unprecedented increase in property taxes is driving up the cost of living for homeowners and renters alike;
1d. Be it resolved that we call upon the legislature to reduce the assessment rate in a meaningful amount.
Whereas Colorado’s unprecedented increase in property taxes is driving up the cost of living for homeowners and renters alike;
1e. Be it resolved that we believe taxpayers should retain our TABOR refunds to help deal with the rising cost of living.
Whereas local governments are more in tune with the nature and needs of their communities;
1f. Be it resolved that we support higher density housing when zoning and Land Use Codes are managed at the local level.
Whereas retirees have reduced, fixed income, but still have changing needs and the same right to pursue life, liberty, and happiness as everyone else;
1g. Be it resolved that we support reasonable, qualified property tax reductions for seniors who have resided in the state for at least 10 years.
Whereas retirees have reduced, fixed income, but still have changing needs and the same right to pursue life, liberty, and happiness as everyone else;
1h. Be it resolved that we support making the senior homestead property tax exemption portable when a person sells a home and purchases a new one.
Whereas repeated federal budget deficits are causing the national debt to grow unchecked to a point that now exceeds the yearly GDP;
i. Be it resolved that the Center Party supports a balanced budget while still honoring key entitlements such as Social Security and Medicare.
Whereas Omnibus budget bills are so large that they are very difficult to debate and amend, and result in excessive and hidden spending;
j. Be it resolved that the Center Party supports the requirement that each cabinet level department budget be voted on separately by congress.
Whereas earmarks are not based on merit but are used by congress to “buy” votes to pass a budget;
k. Be it resolved that the Center Party supports elimination of earmarks to funding bills.
Whereas the government awards entitlements with limited requirements or income criteria for recipients;
l. Be it resolved that the Center Party supports the review of programs that don’t provide incentives for recipients to move off of government assistance when possible.
Whereas Social Security will eventually become insolvent on its current trajectory;
m. Be it resolved that the Center Party supports a sliding scale increase in the retirement age to account for longer lifespans as a partial solution to keeping the program solvent as long as possible.
n. Be it resolved that the Center Party supports increasing the income threshold of the Social Security tax (FICA) as a partial solution to keeping the program solvent as long as possible.